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Friday, May 20, 2011


     Last time when my daughter and I went to the mall, she stopped by the toy shop to buy a coin bank. Waiting for her just outside the door, wondering what would she do with it since it's her summer vacation. And during summer and christmas vacations, I'm not giving her allowance but she could ask anytime for some money if she wants to buy something she wants. Then after she paid for it, I finally got the chance to ask what was the coin bank is for.

      "I need this to save money. I'm not in hurry mama, I could wait for my own allowance when my school starts and put some of it in this coin bank. And its not for myself, I'm going to fill this up with a lot of coins and bills, and few months from now, on Christmas, I will be so glad to put a ribbon on it and give this to the first street children I am going to see on that day when we go out." smiling big as she explains it all to me.

     That quick trip to the mall made me realize one thing; we don't need to be rich to be able to help somebody. Anything we have right now, big or small, a lot or a little, could be of help to someone in need. No certain amount. Just give.

     Me and my daughter are really hoping that people would feel in their hearts the essence of sharing and giving. For every little small thing that we give... could be money, clothes, food....anything there is BIG smile we could get from it in return. 
     So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up. (6:10) So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who belong to the family of faith. -Galatians 6:9-10


1 comment:

  1. That was great story and i ca't wait to hear more of them... :)
